Engaging in different housing- and planning projects, Shape’s mission is not only to share its perspective on societal challenges but also elaborate on design decisions to inspire others.

SHAPE Together


Shaping a Sustainable Future: My Journey to SHAPE

I've always been captivated by spaces and their impact on our lives. The way a room is designed, the interplay of light and form - it all holds the power to shape our emotions and experiences. My journey to SHAPE began with this awareness. It started as an exploration of design, a fascination with aesthetics. But it evolved into something more profound, a mission to make the world a better place.

The turning point came during my high school research project, "To what extent does carbon neutral living affect the quality of living”. It revealed the flaws in how we build and live in our homes. I saw a need for change, not just in the way we design spaces, but in the way we inhabit them.

A pivotal moment arrived when I watched 'I Want You To Panic,' a film that portrayed our collective indifference to the climate crisis. It posed a crucial question: "What will it take for humans to react?" At 18, I was determined to combat climate change, initially through traditional avenues like architecture and planning firms. However, I soon realized that these paths were essential but had limitations regarding my mission.

At 20, inspired by a friend's entrepreneurial journey, I saw an opportunity to forge my own path. I wanted the freedom to shape change on my terms. At 22, still working hard on a spatial planning degree, experience was another missing piece. I immersed myself in projects like 'Meier Kern,' envisioning a future where communities could access jobs and facilities without cars, promoting walking and cycling. It became clear that the built environment had the power to transform lifestyles.

This realization ignited my mission. Committed to progress positive change and diversity and inclusion. In doing so, I like to engage in diverse spatial planning contexts, meeting people from different backgrounds, and making spaces more sustainable and inclusive.


My name is Bob Sastrowiardjo, 22 years old and born on May 24th, 2001 in Maastricht and raised in a family of two, where freedom in self-development and making independent choices are key. As the youngest in the family, my brother has always been an inspiration, always motivating me to get the best out of myself. In doing so, I am not easily overtly proud of my own work, so I am recognised as a silent force.

I am currently studying the bachelor Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning at Wageningen University. Doing the major spatial planning, we emphasize on improving the overall landscape quality. This is done through looking at spatial interventions which relieves the pressure from scarce space.

Before studying at Wageningen University, I finished my HAVO- and afterwards VWO-diploma in 2020 on a Steiner secondary school in Maastricht, also called the ‘Bernard Lievegoed College’. This education system is centred around the anthroposophical philosophy from Rudolf Steiner, where the vision of ‘developing an open attitude to each person’s individuality in relation to others and the environment’ matches that of the Bernard Lievegoed College.

Now, with creating this digital portfolio, I am very much looking forward to sharing my ideas and perspectives with you.

If you would like to know more about me, I am more than happy to answer your questions. So, feel free to contact me!
